티스토리 뷰
Manual : Oracle 10g RAC on Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4 - ASM mode
sai505 2012. 12. 16. 20:54Oracle 10g
(Real Application Cluster)
ASM mode
Download Software
1. Minimum of 40GB Spare Disk
2. VM-Ware Work Station 8.0
3. RHEL4-U3-i386-AS-disc1~4.iso
4. Oracle 10g database package zip file
5. Oracle 10g clustware package zip file
6. Oracle 10g 1024 patch
Rac 1 Server Operating System Installation
Rac1 Server
OS : Linux
Version : RHEL 4
Virtual Machine Setting
location : C:\Virtual Machines\rac1
Memory : 1024
Harddisk : 20G scsi type
Network : NAT, Host Only
RHEL 4 Setting
Partition : / - 5000mb
/boot - 100mb
/var - 1000mb
swap - 1500mb
/home - rest all
Network Devices : eth0(NAT), eth1(host-only)
Host Name : rac1
Set the Virtual Server name and location
Select "Store vitual disk as a single file"
Remove non required devices; printer, usb and etc.
Add Host-only network.
Use 'RHEL-4-U3-i386~-disk1.iso'
Run RAC1 Server.
Select 'Manually Partition'
Partitioning disk by shown green label above
Set both 'eth0' and 'eth1' as Network Devices and name it as 'rac1'
Disable Firewall and SELinux.
Then Click 'Proceed'
Select Language
Set Time Zone
Set root password on 'rac1' server
Select 'Cusomize software package'
Select 'Editors', 'Graphical Internet' and 'Text-based Internet' for Applications package.
Select only 'Server Configuration Tools' for Servers package and uncheck 'Web Server' and 'Windows File Server'
Select all packages for Development
Select 'Administartion Tools' and 'System Tools
Click 'Details' on System Tools package.
Select 'sysstat - The sar and iostat system monitoring commands', which is the required rpm on oracle 10g.
Then Click 'Ok'
Click 'Next'
Click 'Next' to start install
Insert 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS disc from 1 to 4 disc' when noticed
Skip registartion part.
Click 'Next' by giving default options.
Then Installation has done
Login as 'root'
Change display setting to work on proper size of grapical interface later.
Set as 'LCD Panel 1024x768'
Click 'Ok'
Click tab 'Settings'
Click 'Resolution'
Select '1024x768'
Then Click 'Ok'
It will adjust to x-window after reboot, but don't reboot now.
You'll do it later on anyway.
Transfer required Oracle 10g patch using WinSCP software
Early patch transferation will save our time.
Patch :
Trasfer to rac1 server in /home/oracle/pkg directory
]#mkdir -p /home/oracle/pkg
=>rac1 ip :
Open WinSCP software
Enter rac1 IP address
Login as root
Click 'Yes'
Copy 3 zip files to /home/oracle/pkg
Turn off unneccesory Services
# chkconfig --level 123456 xinetd off
# chkconfig --level 123456 sendmail off
# chkconfig --level 123456 cups off
# chkconfig --level 123456 cups-config-daemon off
# chkconfig --level 123456 smartd off
# chkconfig --level 123456 isdn off
# chkconfig --level 123456 pcmcia off
# chkconfig --level 123456 iptables off
Setting up the prerequisites for RAC 1
1. Set RAC1 Server ip and 'hosts' file
2. Install rpm packages
3. Set process range values; 'sysctl.conf'file and 'limits.conf' file
4. Set server time; 'modprobe.conf' file and 'rc.local' file
5. Create user and group to manage RAC install
6. Set up root user home directory, '.bash.profile' file
7. Set up new created user profile, '.bash.profile' file
1. RAC1 IP and '/etc/hosts' file
#netstat -nr
'eth0' will be used as public ip
'eth1' will be used as private one. You can set this ip whatever you want within 'C' class range because it is for internal use only between rac1 and rac2 server.
=> eth0 = public ip = rac1 =
=> eth1 = private ip = rac1-priv =
if eth1 has different ip value from eth0, such as as eth0 and as eth1, it is also okay. Just keep that mind eth0 is for public use so that should have external accesibility, but eth1 is for internal use between rac1 and rac2 server as private one, meaning set rac1-priv and rac2-priv in same submask range.
=> Gateway =
Set 'eth0' IP addresses
Set 'eth1' IP addresses
No gateway addresses on 'eth1'
Set Hostname as 'rac1'
DNS as ''
Save the setting
Restart the network
]# service network restart
Set up '/etc/hosts' file
]# vi /etc/hosts
Add following lines on 'hosts'file
#public rac1 rac2
#private rac1-priv rac2-priv
#vip rac1-vip rac2-vip
Remove 'rac1'
Test IP
]#ping rac1
]#ping rac1-priv
'rac2', 'rac2-priv' and 'vip' won't work for now.
2. Check required rpm packages
Presense of required rpm package can be vary by version of OS. For RHEL 4, there is nothing to do since we have added 'sysstat-5.0.5-11.rhel4' on software package selection.
For other version CENT OS or else, check if correct rpm is installed.
]# rpm -qa | grep rpmpackage*
Since our linux version is RHEL4, we have all required rpm package set. Nothing to do.
3. Set Processor Values
]# vi /etc/sysctl.conf
add following lines on the content
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
]# vi /etc/security/limits.conf
add following lines on the content
oracle soft nproc 2047
oracle hard nproc 16384
oracle soft nofile 1024
oracle hard nofile 65536
]# vi /etc/pam.d/login
add following lines on the content
session required pam_limits.so
4. Set Sever Time
]# vi /etc/modprobe.conf
add following lines on the content options hangcheck-timer hangcheck_tick=30 hangcheck_margin=180 ]# modprobe -v hangcheck-timer
check system timer
]# vi /etc/rc.local
add following lines on the content
/sbin/modprobe hangcheck-timer rdate -s time.bora.net
5. Create User and Group
]# groupadd -g 5000 dba
]# useradd -g dba oracle
]# passwd oracle
6. Setting up root profie and oracle user profile
]# vi ~/.bash_profile
add following lines on content
]# vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile
add following lines on content
export EDITOR=vi
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19
export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle
export ORA_CRS_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10g/crs
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10g/db
export ORA_ASM_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10g/asm
export ORACLE_SID=rac1
export LANG=ko_KR.UTF-8
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
Cautions that copy this content will automatically add '?' on the last line. It should be removed.
=> export CLASSPATH~
Create Shared Disks on 'storage' DB
Shutdown to work on creating disks
]#init 0
Route : C:\virtual disk\storage\'new shared disks'
Disks :
ocr1.vmdk 300M 1:0 (SCSI)
ocr2.vmdk 300M 1:1 (SCSI)
vote1.vmdk 300M 1:2 (SCSI)
vote2.vmdk 300M 1:3 (SCSI)
vote3.vmdk 300M 1:4 (SCSI)
asm1.vmdk 5G 1:5 (SCSI)
asm2.vmdk 5G 1:6 (SCSI)
asm3.vmdk 5G 1:8 (SCSI)
Make new folder and name it 'storage'
Edit virtual machine setting
Add Hard Disk, then click 'Next'
Create a new virtual disk, then click 'Next'
Select 'Persistent' as 'Independent' mode
Click 'Next'
Set size 0.3GB ( 300MB ) for 'ocr1.vmdk' disk
Select 'Allocate all disk space now'
Select 'Store virtual disk as a single file'
Then click 'Next'
Browse disk file
Set as \virtual machine\ storage
Name disk file as 'ocr1.vmdk'
Click 'Open'
Click 'Finish'
Click 'Advanced'
Set device node to 'SCSI 1:0'
Click 'Ok'
Repeat the previous hard disk creation steps on following disks
ocr2.vmdk 300M 1:1 (SCSI)
vote1.vmdk 300M 1:2 (SCSI)
vote2.vmdk 300M 1:3 (SCSI)
vote3.vmdk 300M 1:4 (SCSI)
asm1.vmdk 5G 1:5 (SCSI)
asm2.vmdk 5G 1:6 (SCSI)
asm3.vmdk 5G 1:8 (SCSI)
When done with disks creation on storage, you'll see similar to above results.
New Hard Disk 2~9
asm1~3.vmdk, ocr1~2.vmdk and vote1~3.vmdk on 'storage' folder.
'Storage' disk and 'rac1' disk must be seperated because they are different server.
Edit 'rac1.vmx' file on 'rac1' folder using text editor.
Open 'rac1.vmx' file with notepad or and kinds of text editor.
add following lines on the content
disk.locking = "FALSE"
diskLib.dataCacheMaxSize = "0"
scsi1.sharedBus = "virtual“
scsi1:0.deviceType = "disk“
scsi1:8.deviceType = "disk“
Save the contents
Start the virtual machine
If you have just copy and paste above contents, then you will see this error pop up. Open the 'rac1.vmx' file again, and make sure any misstype on new added lines, such as " end in every lines or wrong space.
Enter any key to continue
Enter 'Configure'
Proceed clicking 'Next' and skip registartion part.
Login as root user
Partitioning new created shared disks
new disks :
sdb, sdc, sdd, sde, sdf, sdg, sdh, sdi
new partition as primary disk :
sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, sde1,sdf1, sdg1, sdh1, sdi1
]# fdisk /dev/sdb
Command : n
Command Action : p (primary partition)
Partition number : 1
First cylinder : enter
Last cylinder : enter
Command : w
repeat above partitioning steps on following disks
sdc, sdd, sde, sdf, sdg, sdh, sdi
new partition as primary disk :
sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, sde1,sdf1, sdg1, sdh1, sdi1
Creating raw devices and change permission
All RAC nodes must use the same raw devices.
]# vi /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices
add following lines on the content
/dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sdb1
/dev/raw/raw2 /dev/sdc1
/dev/raw/raw3 /dev/sdd1
/dev/raw/raw4 /dev/sde1
/dev/raw/raw5 /dev/sdf1
/dev/raw/raw6 /dev/sdg1
/dev/raw/raw7 /dev/sdh1
/dev/raw/raw8 /dev/sdi1
Restart the rawdevice service
]# service rawdevices restart
]# ll /dev/raw/
Chaging permissions on the raw devices
]# vi /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions
modify following contents
line-113: raw/*:root:disk:0660
=> raw/*:oracle:dba:0660
Restart rawdevice
]# service rawdevices restart
]# ll /dev/raw
]# init 0
Cloning rac1 to rac2
Create 'rac2' folder in C:\virtual machine\
Copy 'rac1.vmdk' and 'rac1.vmx' in rac1 folder.
Paste in C:\virtual machine\rac2
Change diplay name to rac2 and also edit the content of 'rac1.vmx' file
edit the contents only
Open the virtual machine of 'rac1.vmx' in rac2 folder
Then Run it.
Setting up rac2 server
Click 'I copied it'
Enter any key
Enter 'Remove Configuration'
Enter 'Remove Configuration' again
Enter 'Configure'
Press space bar to select 'use dynamic IP~ (DHCP)'
Enter 'Ok'
Enter 'Configure'
Press space bar to select 'use dynamic IP~ (DHCP)' again
Enter 'Ok' again
Enter 'Configure'again
Login as root
Setting up rac2 network
]# cat /etc/hosts rac2 rac2-priv
]# neat
ip :
subnet :
gateway :
ip :
subnet :
hostname : rac2
dns :
]# service network restart
Power on 'rac1' virtual machine and login as oracle user
]# ping rac1
]# ping rac1-priv
Changing rac2 profile
]# vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile
modify following line
export ORACLE_SID=rac2
Reboot 'rac1' virtual machine and 'rac2' virtual machine
Login as oracle user
Configure SSH on each rac
Perform following tasks on each rac
On rac1 and rac2 as oracle user
]$ mkdir .ssh
]$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Enter file in which to save the key
(/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa) : enter
Enter passphrase : enter
Enter same passphrase again : enter
Identification has saved in 'id_rsa.' file
Pulic key has saved in 'id_rsa.pub.'
Permit each rac to access server without password
Sourcing the public key of 'id_rsa.pub' to 'authorized_keys' file on each rac
Copy 'authorized_keys' file to each rac authorize access without password
On rac1 and rac2
Perform the following tasks on each node
]$cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
]$scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys rac2:~/.ssh/authorized_keys (on rac1)
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no) ? yes
oracle@rac2 's password : type password
]$scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys rac1:~/.ssh/authorized_keys (on rac2)
Equivalance Check
Perform following tasks on each node
If password is not asked to input, it is working out well.
]$ssh rac1 date
]$ssh rac2 date
]$ssh rac1-priv date
]$ssh rac2-priv date
Rac 1
Rac 2
Setting up patch before running Clustware
]$su -
]#chown oracle.dba /home/oracle/pkg
]#chown oracle.dba /home/oracle/pkg/*
]#su - oracle
]$chmod 755 pkg/*
Unzip patch package in /home/oracle/pkg
]$unzip 10201_clusterware_linux32.zip && unzip 10201_database_linux32.zip
&& unzip p6810189_10204_LINUX-x86.zip
]$rm -rf *.zip
]$cd /home/oracle/pkg/clusterware
If error occurs regarding permission, do this
]$chmod 755 /home/oracle/pkg/clusterware/*
]$chmod 755 /home/oracle/pkg/clusterware/install/*
]$chmod 755 /home/oracle/pkg/clusterware/install/.oui
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